The Next Meeting is on January 9, 2025.
2021 Ozaukee County Fair
Thanks for helping make the 2021 Ozaukee County Fair another successful fundraiser for our snowmobile club.
Trail Re-Route
Thanks to several volunteers this cold morning, our trail is now re-routed around the Cedarburg development next to Circle B. Riders now travel North across 60 from Circle B, then you’ll reach a “Tee” intersection that will connect you to…
2020 Trailwork
Each year, Monticello puts in countless hours of work to prepare our trail system for the snowmobiling season. Below are some pictures highlighting some of the work we did this season, as well as how we were able to help…
2020 Ozaukee County Fair
Attention Landowners and Club Members: With all the uncertainty this summer as well as this year, our Board of Directors have decided not to have a food and beverage tent at this summer’s Ozaukee County Fair. The safety of our club…
2019-20 Membership Renewal
We are hoping to have all club memberships renewed by October to get the paperwork submitted to the AWSC and allow everyone ample time to purchase their trail passes. See the page for membership application information.

Waynes Drive In Fundraiser
August 12th – Monticello will be hosting a Fundraiser at Waynes Drive In in Cedarburg (1331 Covered Bridge Rd) from 11am-9pm. 10% of all sales will benefit the Monticello Sno-Mobile Club. Bring your friends and family for a fun day…

2019 Ozaukee County Fair
The 2019 Ozaukee County Fair is fast approaching and the famous “Big Brat” and Ribeye Sandwich are back! Stop on by our tent for our famous food, cold beer and awesome live music nightly. Remember, Everything is BIGGER and BETTER on the North End!…

2018-19 Season Underway
The Snow has finally arrived. Remember to always call the sno-phone before riding Click here for more details
Volunteers Needed for the Ozaukee County Fair
We Need Volunteers Like Yourself! To help our Club man our Food and Beverage Tent During this summer’s Ozaukee CountyFair! This is our one and only Annual Fund Raiser and We need help cooking, food prep, bartenders, cutting buns Frying…